Saturday, March 31, 2012

Justin Bieber? NEW STYLE

I never thought I would say this, BUT I think I like Justin Bieber's new song Boyfriend. I was always the type to make fun of him for his music and squeaky voice because he was so young and had not hit puberty yet. His songs were beyond over played on the radio and all the litter teenyboppers with their Justin Bieber action figures. The whole Bieber Fever was and still is more out of control than The Backstreet Boys and NSYNC. HOWEVER, his new song Boyfriend is completely out of his normal style of music. I did not even recognize his voice at all, I had no idea it was him that I had to use my "Sound Hound" APP to figure out the song and I was astonished to find out that it was Justin Bieber.

I posted the video below, take a listen and tell me what you think.

Thursday, March 29, 2012

Lady Gaga- Born this way

Born this way Foundation is meant to empower young people.  Oprah Winfrey helped Lady Gaga launch this foundation at Harvard University.  She would like to do a psychological autopsy on bullies and victims and find out what breeds anger. 
A young 14-year-old boy opened up that he was gay on YouTube.  He felt that Lady Gaga was amazing for her song “Born this Way.”  His friends were not supportive and the pressure got too much, he ended up hanging himself in the middle of the night.  His sister found the young boy’s body the next morning.  Before he killed himself he left a message for Lady Gaga thanking her for her song.  Lady Gaga dedicated a performance for him, and had faith that he was up there looking down. 
            So what does the lyrics to Born this Way mean?  In my interpretation, Born this Way is about being you, and not regretting it.  God made you that way for a reason, and he did not make a mistake and did not do it for the negative.  He did it for a positive reason.  Live your life, be yourself, and just have live life in the happiest fun aspect as you can.

-Carissa :) 

Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Discovering Music with Shazam

When I listen to the radio and hear a song that I used to love back in the day, I get really excited. I am a HUGE fan of the throwbacks and one-hit wonders that used to play on the radio constantly. The only issue I find myself facing is the fact that, if the name of the song is not announced, I will never know the name of it. This really bothered me, until I discovered Shazam. Shazam is an app that tags the song; meaning, it works by listening (tagging) the song and displaying both the title and artist of the song. Next, this fancy app gives you a few options. The options include downloading the song from itunes, sharing it (on facebook or twitter), lyrics, tour info and a suggestion of what they call the "essential" tracks of the artist that has been tagged. All the tags are also saved, so if you want to download them at a later time, you can. You can also preview the songs here as well. For me personally, I also use the app when I am watching a movie or a show on tv so I know what they are and so I can enjoy the songs at a later time. This app allows me to not only discover past songs, but new songs and artists as well.

Some of the popular gadgets it is available on include the iphone, ipod touch, ipad, android, blackberry, nokia, windows mobile 6 and windows phone 7.

I recommend this app for those who love music as much as I do, and for those who find it frustrating when they cannot remember the name of a great song. One of the best parts of this app? It's free on iTunes!! So check it out and let me know what you think.

- Jeana

Saturday, March 24, 2012

Taylor Swift

Who went to see the Hunger Games this weekend?!  - - and who actually read the book before seeing the movie?

I am a big Taylor Swift fan, I can tell her songs from the first key. However for the first time, I was actually not positive if this was her song or not, since I had never heard it before. Taylor Swift has 2 new songs that are featured in the new movie The Hunger Games, which came out in theaters this past weekend. I know many people who went to the midnight showing of it and Facebook was flooded with amazing reviews of the movie. I am actually going to see it in a few hours and am very excited. I wish I had the time to read the book before the movie but with school and work (I’m sure you all understand) there is not much spare time for recreational reading. Over the summer, while I’m sitting on the beach, relaxing and this book will definitely be on my summer reading list.

The lyrics of Taylor’s song Eyes Open has so much meaning to it other than for the movie. You have to be prepared for anything that life throws at you, everyone is watching you and waiting for you to mess up so they can get ahead of you.

“So here you are, two steps ahead and staying on guard
Every lesson forms a new scar
They never thought you'd make it this far”

Take a listen to the song, and let me know how you like it. It’s very different from her other hits, it’s not like her normal country songs, but I guarantee you will LOVE it.


Happy Hunger Games! May the odds be ever in your favor.

Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Lady Gaga

So Lady Gaga, I’ll admit, I always thought something was up with her by her drastic costumes. Other than that, I was not really interested in her, until Monday night. I turned on OWN, and Oprah’s Next Chapter was on and the interview was with Lady Gaga. Watching this episode opened me up to more of who she is, and a definition of one of her songs. She explained when, why, and how, she created the song “The Edge of Glory.”
“The Edge of Glory” was created on the night her grandfather, her dads dad, was passing away. Her dad was sad and she said to him that there is no reason he should be alone, and that it is okay, that he is right now on the edge of seeing everything he has done. He is really on the edge of something great, to not be sad. That night her and her dad had a bunch of shots while she wrote this song. According to the interview it took about 10 minutes to write this song. She then had her mom drive her and her dad to what I want to believe was off to see her grandfather.
It is very interesting to get to learn about the person off the stage, even if they claim that it is who they are on the stage. Something interesting about Lady Gaga is that one of her creative techniques is to shut out the electronic media including the television, and even newspapers. If her mom calls and starts mentioning, “did you hear…” she hangs up on her. Lady Gaga likes to think in her own thoughts and let her own creativity be expressed.

Do you shut off the music, the television, and maybe even your cell phone, and spend sometime just living in your own thoughts? Try it, and let me know what you think. Was it inspiring, empowering, or torturous and scary? Do you feel that too much of the media clogs our own minds and thoughts?


Check out her music video

Official Website

Tuesday, March 20, 2012

John Mayer; New Single "Shadow Days"

Any John Mayer fans out there? If so, then you remember his early songs from the "Room For Squares" album, which I still to listen occasionally. "Room For Squares" includes the popular "No Such Thing,” and as well some of my other favorites that include "Your Body is a Wonderland," "Daughters" and "Say." His "Battle Studies" album is pretty good too, especially "Heartbreak Warfare" and "Half of My Heart (which features Taylor Swift)." My favorite song would have to be "No Such Thing;" it was definitely one of the first John Mayer songs I ever came across. About a year ago, I also discovered a song that John Mayer had covered a song. The song was "Free Fallin'" by Tom Petty. A downloaded version of John Mayer's cover of "Free Fallin'" is available on Itunes, and it is definitely worth taking the time to check out. I also have to mention that it is a live version from one of his actual concerts and if anyone has ever been to a concert where they are a huge fan of the artist, they know that the live performances can be just as great as recorded stuff, really bad or about the same. For John Mayer, he nails it. Recently, he came out with a new single titled "Shadow Days." When I first heard the song, I thought it was great. The beat and the impressive guitar playing really made me enjoy this song. Even the lyrics flowed perfectly with the song, and never allowed for a dull moment.

So if your a John Mayer fan, or just looking for some great music, check out his new single "Shadow Days."

- Jeana

Saturday, March 17, 2012

Sarah Brightman

 Happy Saint Patrick's  Day Everyone!!!

I don’t know if anyone is a fan of classical music but if you have a love for real music that’s made with actual instruments rather than music that’s made in a studio with auto tune, I HIGHLY suggest you listen to Sarah Brightman. She’s an amazing Italian/English singer. If anyone has ever seen the Broadway play or the movie Phantom of The Opera, Sarah Brightman is the ORIGINAL Christine Diae.

I first became a fan of Sarah Brightman when I was about 10years old, maybe younger when my dad had me listen to a very famous song of hers called Time to Say Goodbye which she sings with famous Italian singer Andrea Bocelli. My father still to this day tells me that he wants that song to be played at his funeral.  My father always influenced the types of music that I fell in love with over the years. My father is the reason I love all types of music from classical Italian/American, to Pat Benetar and Jethro Tull, to my personal favorite, country. Yes, I do listen to the popular music that’s always on the radio but when I’m alone and listening to my ipod or a CD in my car listening to a little Taylor Swift, Sara Evans or Sarah Brightman is usually the top songs in my playlist. 

A few years ago, my dad surprised with tickets to see Sarah Brightman at Madison Square Garden.  At the time I had only heard the Phantom of The Opera CD and the one song Time to Say Goodbye but I was so excited to see her live and hear her other music. The music was beyond anything I had ever heard before and the performance was breathtaking. Andrea Bocelli was also there to sing one of the most famous songs from Phantom of The Opera The Music of the Night and The Phantom of The Opera. Ever since that concert, I have not been able to stop listening to her Symphony Album which was the album of the songs that she performed from the concert. Everything about her and her music is just beyond amazing and I would definitely recommend listening to a few of her songs if you’re interested in a change from the everyday main stream music that’s always on repeat on the radio. 

Here are a few videos to listen to while you’re here and feel free to leave some feedback. 

Here are some photos from the concert I attended.

Her outfit changes were amazing but very interesting and differnt.

Every song had a different performance that were phenomenal.


Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Martina McBride

I was never a fan of country music, but that changed in December of 2006.  Growing up I was a fan of Britney Spears and Hilary Duff.  This one day in December my friend told me that her aunt got free tickets to see Martina McBride’s Christmas Concert and they have an extra ticket.  She asked if I would like to go.  I had no idea who Martina McBride was, and how it was described to me was that she sings country.  Both my friend and my mom were shocked that I did not know who Martina McBride is.  I was willing to go out to the concert, but was not expecting to have a great time other than a night out. 
            I went to the concert.  This Martina McBride person came out.  The second she began to sing I changed my attitude towards country.  Her voice was amazing, her song selection was nice, and I enjoyed the entire show.  Once I got home that night I was on her website finding out when her next concert was.  Since then I have only gone to one other concert of hers because she is not on Long Island often, but I hope to go to a concert soon.    
            I am a fan of Martina McBride not just because of her phenomenal voice, but what she does with her talent.  Her songs deal with relatable, meaningful, subjects.  Her song “Anyway,” is about whatever comes your way, regardless of the odds, to do it anyway.  “Concrete Angles” is about child abuse, but the music video of it is very moving, you just might need a tissue.  When I saw her sing that song at her concert she had the music video playing along.  In the song “For these times,” her team of people got others to write what these would want “for these times.”  Something’s were world peace, and better healthcare.  In the music video the images of people signing are included.  At the concert however, they have a set up for people to write on a board their thoughts for that topic before the concert.  When she sang that song she had a video playing but of people from that day signing the board. 
            Her recent large event was part of her newest CD titled “eleven.”  She teamed up with Amtrak, had a train take her from Los Angeles to Penn Station, NY.  During the travel she had 11 stops in four days.  At these stops she would have a performance.  Along with the performance she made a generous donation to 11 Breast Cancer Charities.  Her music video for “I’m Gonna Love You Through It,” has a focus around Breast Cancer Awareness.  This song is on her CD, and she performed it at these 11 performances. 
            Martina McBride takes her talent and tries to positively impact the world.  She also includes her family with her work. 
Have you listened to Martina McBride?  What do you think of her? 

Carissa :) 

Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Blink-182: "All the Small Things"

I have been getting sick of the usual songs on my everyday playlist and I really wanted to listen to something different. So, I decided to dust off the cds in my car and put the cd player setting on shuffle just to see what songs would pop up. I had my usual long-lost favorites, including Jimmy Eat World, Third Eye Blind and American Hi-Fi. I also had one of my all-time favorite bands within my mixed tapes that is totally worthy of mentioning: Blink-182. From "All the Small Things" to "What's My Age Again?" and "First Date," these guys have always provided me a powerful, lyrical-based assortment of songs that always told a story. Their sense of style was and still is just plain cool. And even after seeing them twice in concert at Jones Beach, their live performances are so fantastically amazing that I definitely plan on seeing them every chance I get. Not only did the band have a a popular opening band, known as "My Chemical Romance," but they went all out with their performance. One of my favorite and most memorable parts of the entire show was Travis Barker's drum solo. The entire crowd (including myself) went absolutely insane when solo began, and even though Mark Hoppus and Tom Delonge did most of the talking inbetween songs, Travis Barker really shined and was able to display what he does best with the power of his fabulous and unforgettable talent with the drums. Overall, these guys have been providing me with music for quite some time now. I still blast these guys albums like I've just discovered them because they are that good. I cannot wait to have the chance to see them again in concert. One of my favorite songs by them is "All the Small Things" and I posted the song below. If you have never heard this song before, take a listen. If you have heard this song before, listen to the song anyway and experience what I consider to be a classic song from the 90's.